That's not really nano...but well... Stephen Hawking's "The Grand Design'
I just can't help commenting on that... The highlight of the day is "God did not create the universe". I'm astonished. You can find comments after the Thursday's the Times publication the parts of Hawking's new book almost everywhere, from Guardian to Yahoo (article available at, you have to pay the subscription, though). For quite a while I haven't seen such an outcry after (or even before) a book about Physics was published. (Btw, I'm curious how many of the journalists will read the WHOLE book after it's out, and out of them how many will understand it?) I´m reading all the coment, understanding that the topic is sensitive, still I'm surprized it has provoked such a fightback from the religious community (or better communities, as there were not only catholics who felt offended), saying it shows elemmentary fallacy of logic..Mmmm.. Lack of elemmentary logic? Suppose the church knows something about that..
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the universe exists, why we exist."
"It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the universe going."
Where do we come from. Where are we going. How was our universe created. How is it going to end. Those are our most basic questions, that's the motor of the scientific exploration, but also the motor of faith. Everyone has ther righrt to exploreare the answer according to their knowlegde and abilities.
And the scientists, just as all the rest, are divided in the ones that believe and those that don't (and there is also a third group who doesn't really care), but is there really space for god Physics? I'm not saying in your personal life. I'm saying how do you include God in your equations? Hawking seems to have exchanged it for gravity. Fair enough.
The book is on sale next week.
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