It's almost impossible to follow everything what's going on in the world of nano research, this blog will cover the subjects that I found particularly interesting. Though my research is strictly Physic I'd like to share with you more down-to-earth achievements, the current research that tomorrow may have the chance to become an everyday reality.
I also share with you some part of my research or better call it some fun moments I had during my research, the images I took or the interesting stuff I came across. Enjoy!
I spent most of my life in Poland, where I graduated from Faculty of Physics at Warsaw University of Thechnology. I'm a specialist in Solid States, currently stucked with my PhD at Universidad Autonoma, Barcelona. In my project I'm trying to explore the possible mechanisms that will actually make a carbon nanotube motor move.
My free time I'm sharing between Spain, Poland and Mexico, between studying and having fun, and now also a part of it will be dedicated to this blog!!
probably not what you wanted...
but the image looks just great!!
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