A bit more about CNT resonators...

Here I show you the image of a high-frequency CNT resonator. It's a suspended SWNT of 100nm length and 4nm diameter.

Now the explication :)
It operates in transistor geometry, as shown below. Source-drain is where the AC current flows, inducing vibrations and with changing voltage on the gate we can change nanotube mechanical tension.
And yes - the actual resonator is the ultra-short carbon nanotube! It's so tiny that it's difficult to image it in SEM. But because it's so small it's easy to achieve high frequency operation!

The details of the high frequency devices will be published in Applied Physics Letters SOON!!! But I'll also try to explain it here in an easier way!


amelia | November 15, 2011 at 4:27 PM

how thick is your metal layer?? it seems like almost the whole source, drain and gate are underetched!amazing that they are still rigid and didn't collapse!! they look great!!

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